Monday, December 18, 2017


Learning Hanguel The first thing we must know before learning a new language is to know the origin of it when its started and what is it. Hanguel(한글) its the korean alphabet created a long year ago to be exact 15th century by Sejong the Great. Hanguel(한글) is the official writing system of South and North Korea and for me its the most easy writing system in the world. Sejong the Great is the creator of hanguel he was the fourth king of Joseon-dynasty Korea. If you want the story of this hanguel i recommend to watch Six flying dragon a korean drama its a long episode drama but its worth it to watch. back to hanguel we will focus on familiarizing each of the alphabets of korean so we will know how to pronounce and read the korean system of writing in the next day we will start on Learning lesson by lesson. Lesson 1 and 2 we will learn the 19 consonants and 21 vowels. For Lesson 1 we will break down it in two the Lesson 1a and Lesson 1b. Lesson 1a will focus in basic Vowels each lesson will have a quiz in the end of the lesson this will help you to familiarize the letters, and the Lesson 1b we will discuss about the Double vowels. Yes you heard it right Double vowels.To all my koreanoys members please be patient for all my post cause ive got only few resources.Stay tuned aja. thanks for your support. like our page and comment down all of your question.

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