Saturday, December 23, 2017

Lesson 3 받침 Patchim and Reading Sentence

First of all i want to congratulate you all for reaching Lesson 3 in our class. Last lesson you learn the 14 lenis and aspiration and 5 fortis consonants for a total of 19 consonants in Hanguel. Today you will learn tha 받침 patchim and Reading Sentence.

받침 also called as Final consonants. so dont be confused if you use other textbook. 받침 has different way of pronouncing.
It consist of 7 different ways of pronouncing all final consonants.

as you see in the picture the  the first example characters ㄱ,ㄲ,ㅋ will have a value of [-k] if you found that character bottom other character. so if you read and pronounce this words 악,앆,앜 it will sound the same it will be (ak) not (ag). Next 2nd example character will be ㄴit will have a value of [-n] so if you read the example you will read it as (an).Then in the 3rd example characters will be  ㄷ, ㅌ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅎ all of this characters will have a one value [-t] if you found this character at the bottom of other character as the picture shows so if you read the example you will read it as (at). In the 4th example character ㄹ it will have a value of [-l] if you found it in the bottom of the  other character so if you read example you will read it as  (al). In ㅁ will have a value of  [-m] so if you read the example you will read it as (am). And the next characters is ㅂ, ㅍ its value is [-p] so if you read the example you will read it as (ap) and not as (ab). The last character will be ㅇ its value is [-ng] and if you read the last example you will read it as (ang). As you notice we apply our techniques here in reading. Did you remember last lesson? if you memorize the names of the consonants you will not be having a hard time in reading. lets give you an example. we will have the first example GiyeoK,Sang Giyeok and KiyeoK. as you notice the last letters of the names of the characters is the same of its value if you found the character is in the bottom of other characters?. you can do the other samples to check if its true. so guys congrats in having this lesson and now we have a add lesson. about how those character is being build. sorry for that term. i use Build cause making a Hanguel word is like Building a Blocks. The characters is the Block. heres the example ways on how they are Build. If you search it in the other textbook it is called as Syllabic Pattern and this Patterns consist of  5 patterns.

Syllabic Patterns
value( c- consonant v- vowel cc-consonant consonant)
1 CV            consonant ㅇ+ vowelㅏ= 아

2 CV                          consonant ㅇ+ vowelㅏ and at the bottom is consonant ㄱ = 악

3  C                            consonant ㅇ + vowel ㅗ = 오

4  C
    V                   consonant ㅇ+ vowel ㅡ and at the bottom is consonant ㄴ = 은
5  CV                         consonant ㅇ+ vowel ㅡ and at the two bottom consonant are ㄹ and ㄱ = 닭

here are some addition on how to read CC.

and now i think you can read and write this words.

now you can download this picture so you can practice writing.(download me)

Now we will procede in next Last Topic the Reading Sentence after this lesson you will learn how to read any korean sentence but dont force your self to understand all you read cause it may take time to understand the sentence. some of the Students have a hard time to understand what they are reading in my case i didnt force my self to understand this converstion of two people 가: 사무실이 어디입니까?
나: 저기입니다 cause i know in my self that i need to have more reference to  understand that.but dont worry as you progress you will learn to understand what you are reading after  you already done about conjugation that will be discuss in our future lesson but now let start this topic. see the picture below.

as you see the example in the picture the  the final consonat is pronounced as linked when it meets a vowel  like this 한국어 instead of hanguk- eo if you read it by sylable it will be [한구거] and that final consonant giyeok with a value of k cause you found it in the bottom of other character it will be g and transfer next to the vowel (거) so it go sound natural. the other samples also shows how they change if they are read. 할아버지 becomes  [하라버지] ,집에 becomes [지베] and last sample 이름이 [이르미]. And now you know how to read properly. lets have an exercise.

다음을 읽으십시오. Read the following.
(1) 물이            (2) 문을    (3) 앞에
(4) 닫아요       (5) 싶어요 (6) 있어요
(7) 깎아요       (8) 읽어요 (9) 앉아요

heres the audio so you can check if you read it correctly.

Congratiolation youve made it now you already know hot to read. we will now enchance your ability to understand those sentence. heres some link to practice your reading skill (download me)this link consist of audio and pdf. to use it. just play the 3 files audio and try to follow the proper pronunciation and you can practice your reading skill.(to all reviewers students. this may help you to improve your listening skills try to listen this 3 video 20 times a day or more. for 3 day or 5). i already done this and it helps me a lot to pass my examination. cause im a cheater i listen that audio 25 times sometimes 30 a day and i did  that for 1 week. thats why it helps me a lot when your doing a listening type exam. congrats. and Good luck.

To all koreanoys beginners i may posponed some of the basic lesson cause ill jump to Techniques and Tips lesson for all EPS applicants.  just practice first. and use the textbooks. cause ill be back soon as i post all my techniques and experience. Thanks for the support please comment out if this 3 Lessons i made really helps you.

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