Thursday, December 21, 2017

Lesson 2b 5 fortis Consonants and Korean syllables.

Last lesson you already learned the 14 Lenis and aspiration consonants. Today you will learn the 5 fortis Consonants.
In this lesson we will discuss the 5 fortis consonants (some called it as double consonants).
Now please familiarize the 5 consonants as soon as possible i'll enclose some quiz to help you familiarize the 5 consonants.(click this link (not yet available ) to practice).

These consonants have their own name practice and familiarize its name cause it might help you to know the value of the consonant.

consonant      한글          name              value
      ㄲ           상 기역    sang Giyeok        g/k
      ㄸ           상 디귿    sang Digeut         d/t
      ㅃ           상 비읍    sang Bieup         b/p
      ㅆ           상 시옷    sang Siot           (sh/s)/t
      ㅉ           상 지읒    sang Jieut            j/t
note: sang means double (Tips: if you memorize the names you will easly know its value as you see the first letter and the last letter of the name are the same value letter of it's 한글 character. If you know the name you will know the value). Later we will discuss why ㅇ is pronunce as ng if you read it.


Korean word is compose of syllables to write a word you must know the basic way to write a word.
Korean syllables are made in 4 different manners.

(1) 모음 (vowel)                                           (예 ex.) 아, 오
(2) 자음 + 모음 (consonant + vowel)                           (예 ex.) 나, 코
(3) 모음 + 자음 (vowel + consonant)                           (예 ex.) 안, 운
(4) 자음 + 모음 + 자음 (consonant + vowel + consonant)   (예 ex.) 강, 곰

O before a vowel has no sound value. A syllable is composed in the vertical or horizontal order.
ㅏ, ㅑ, ㅓ, ㅕ, ㅣ, ㅐ, ㅒ, ㅔ, ㅖ occur on the right side of a consonant whereas ㅗ, ㅛ, ㅜ, ㅠ, ㅡ occur under the consonant.(ex: for vertical 아, 야, 어, 여, 이, 에, 예 for horizontal 오, 요, 우, 유, 으).

Now Practice your writing skill the proper way to write 한글 is from left to right and from top to bottom. You can download this document and practice writing.

click this link to download your writing exercise.(download)
(Please practice Reading this exercise)

Now you can read these words. ill enclosed an audio for you to  check if you pronunced it correctly
(1) 가수 - singer   (2) 아기 - baby (3) 네모 - square

(4) 다리 - leg           (5) 소리 - sound (6) 모자 - hat

(7) 아버지- father   (8) 사자 - lion (9) 새우 - shrimp

(10) 지우개- eraser (11) 치마 - skirt          (12) 코 - nose

(13) 타조 - ostrich (14) 포도 - grapes          (15) 호수- lake

Heres some additional Vocabs(Read and Listen):

(1) 까치 - magpie (2) 어깨 - shoulder (3) 귀뚜라미 - cricket

(4) 뿌리 - root (5) 아저씨 - man (6) 찌개 - jjigae (its a korean soup)

Different Pronunciation with the same value korean character:
(1) 가 카 까  (2) 다 타 따  (3) 바 파 빠

(4) 자 차 짜  (5) 사 싸
Note: Review the sounds how they pronounce each words.
(not yet available)
Congratiolation Koreanoy you already Finished all korean characters (vowels and consonants) now you may proceed to the next lesson.(click here to proceed Lesson 3 ( 받침 patchim and Reading sentence Click Me to proceed).

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