Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Lesson 1b (Double Vowels)

Lesson 1b: Double Vowels

In this Lesson we will discuss about the Double Vowel. There are 11 double vowel in Korean alphabets so please familiarize the alphabets as soon as possible ill enclose some audio to practice its pronunciation. Note: Some of the pronunciation are similar so don't be confused. These are with the same pronunciation (애,에,예,ㅒ) Click this link to go to our Practice Room (Let me practice)

      Now Practice your writing skill the proper way to write 한글 is from left to right and from top to bottom. You can download this document and practice writing.  click this link to download your writing exercise.(download) after you memorize the pronunciation and the double vowel i bet you can now read some of this words.(note please read it first before checking the audio challenge your self first. don't be afraid that you might pronounce it wrong. always remember this "experience is the best teacher" just practice and make it enjoyable so that you wont stress your self and you can get the lesson easy.)

 1.) 예 - yes                  2.) 와- wow          3.) 왜- why
 4.) 와요- to come       5.) 위에- on           6.) 외워요- to memorize

Practice your reading skill. Click this link for the quiz and post you result on our group page and koreanoys page in Facebook Good luck 아자 화이딩.

 Congratulation Koreanoy you've already finish the Lesson 1b Double Vowels. if your not satisfied with your result please practice more. and feel free to review the lesson. you can now proceed to Lesson 2a Consonants.

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